Faces of ThereforeGo Ministries Blog – ThereforeGo Ministries https://www.thereforego.com/category/faces-of-thereforego/ Connecting Students to Christ, the Church and the Community Tue, 14 Dec 2021 21:40:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 Faces of YU: Elizabeth https://www.thereforego.com/faces-yu-elizabeth/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=faces-yu-elizabeth Tue, 05 Dec 2017 15:02:48 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=10265 The post Faces of YU: Elizabeth appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Get to know Elizabeth Bosscher from Holland, MI What is your role at Youth Unlimited? I am the Canadian SERVE Coordinator, which means I handle all the administrative details for our Canadian SERVE Sites. I am also the resident technology help and troubleshoot any technology issues we may have.   Where are you from, and […]

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The post Faces of YU: Elizabeth appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Get to know Elizabeth Bosscher from Holland, MI

  1. What is your role at Youth Unlimited?

I am the Canadian SERVE Coordinator, which means I handle all the administrative details for our Canadian SERVE Sites. I am also the resident technology help and troubleshoot any technology issues we may have.


  1. Where are you from, and what brought you to Youth Unlimited?

I grew up in Mankato, Minnesota and just moved to Michigan this last August so my Husband could attend school in the area. I searched for a job for a few months after we moved here before I happened to meet one of Youth Unlimited’s board members who told me about the open position. I had an interview the next week and ended up feeling like this was the job God had been telling me to wait for.


  1. When you were a student, what was the most faith-formational experience you had?

I think the most faith formational part of being a student wasn’t one experience for me but instead it was a youth pastor who saw potential in me and was constantly encouraging me to get past my comfort zone and learn to take my faith on as my own. He showed me what it looks like to live passionately for Christ in everything you do, not just at church on Sunday.


  1. What were you most excited about for SERVE 2017?

I was so excited to visit SERVE Sites and see what this is all about. I knew SERVE in theory before this summer, but since I had never been on a SERVE trip I was excited to see it in action.


  1. If you were a student now, what would be your favorite thing about SERVE?

My favorite thing about SERVE would be that I would get to experience the community and friendships that come when you spend all week focused on serving Christ together. There is something about hard work for a good purpose that bonds people together and often results in a lot of fun and joy that you don’t always find in everyday life. It’s amazing what can happen when you put aside your selfish tendencies and focus on tangibly showing Christ to others.


  1. What’s your favorite youth group game to play?

I used to love “Bigger or Better”. We would start with a penny and go around town with our small groups and knock on people’s doors asking if they had anything bigger or better than the thing we currently had that they would be willing to trade with us. This game is how our youth group acquired most of our youth room couches.


  1. When you were a student, who was your greatest mentor and why?

Apart from the youth pastor I mentioned earlier, one of my greatest mentors was my cousin. She moved into my hometown for college when I was 10 and she became one of my best friends. She is so intentional about asking me how I’m really doing and she helps me process life. I have had the privilege of getting to watch her go through college, get her first real job, get married and have kids. I have learned a lot from watching her go through those milestones and she has passed her wisdom on to me when I have faced some of the same milestones.


  1. What’s your favorite late night snack?

Depending on the mood I am in I will either go for some chips and salsa or something chocolate.


  1. What type of service project do you love so much that you could do every day?

I have always been a fan of painting. I loved how such a simple act could make a house or a room or really anything feeling refreshed and taken care of.

  1. What is your favorite vacation spot?

I love exploring new cities and places! So, I guess that means my favorite is the place I have never been before.


This is an excerpt from the Fall 2017 Magazine. To read more stories click here: https://www.thereforego.com/magazine/

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Faces of YU: Ron https://www.thereforego.com/ron/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ron Thu, 09 Nov 2017 15:42:39 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=10271 The post Faces of YU: Ron appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

I am from Alberta, Canada. For the last ten years, I had served as the Youth Ministry Consultant for the Christian Reformed church, Classis Alberta North. Following many conversations with Jeff at Youth Unlimited, we could see how a Canadian Director could be a blessing for Youth Unlimited, who would be working alongside a US Director so we said, let’s try it.

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The post Faces of YU: Ron appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Get to know Ron DeVries from Edmonton, AB

  1. What is your role at Youth Unlimited?

I am the Canadian SERVE Director.

  1. Where are you from, and what brought you to Youth Unlimited?

I am from Alberta, Canada. For the last ten years, I had served as the Youth Ministry Consultant for the Christian Reformed church, Classis Alberta North. Following many conversations with Jeff at Youth Unlimited, we could see how a Canadian Director could be a blessing for Youth Unlimited, who would be working alongside a US Director so we said, let’s try it.

  1. When you were a student, what was the most faith-formational experience you had?

I had grown up in the Christian Reformed Church where our youth group experiences began at age 16 and ended around the age of 25 or when you got married. At the age of 22, I had a friend who died in a car accident and this hit home for me. The fragility of life became so clear and Christ became so powerfully real to me in those days.

  1. What were you most excited about for SERVE 2017?

I was most excited about the possibility of seeing youth from across North America experience the Authentic Communities that God has laid out for our teams.

  1. If you were a student now, what would be your favorite things about SERVE?Ron deVries

The SERVEant and the SERVE 2017 Authentic Community Blend coffee would have been my favorites for 2017. Oh, and the shirts were awesome this year!

  1. What’s your favorite youth group game to play?

Four on the Couch – The purpose of the game is to get everyone from your gender in the four seats on the couch (or position on the floor).

Players sit in a circle. One chair, or spot, in the circle, should be open.

Have everyone write their name on a piece of paper. Collect the papers and pass them out again so that everyone has a paper with someone else’s name on it. Players should not show anyone who they have.

The player to the left of the open spot says someone’s name. Whoever is holding onto the paper with that name must get up and move to the open spot. Then the player who moved must trade papers with the person who called the name.

The player sitting to the left of the new open spot then says the next name and the process continues.

By memorizing who has what name and what the names are of those on the couch, players try to get their gender to occupy all four seats on the couch. When one gender does this successfully, they win.

  1. When you were a student, who was your greatest mentor and why?

My dad was my greatest mentor because of how he lives for Christ.

  1. What’s your favorite late night snack?

Peanut Butter sandwiches.

  1. What type of service project do you love so much that you could do every day?

Working in places that reach out to those who are on the fringes of life. It is hard work, but all of God’s children are important to the kingdom

  1. What’s your favorite vacation spot?



This is an excerpt from the Fall 2017 magazine. To read more stories click here: https://www.thereforego.com/magazine/

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Faces of ThereforeGo Summer, 2016 https://www.thereforego.com/faces-youth-unlimited-summer-2016/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=faces-youth-unlimited-summer-2016 Tue, 02 Aug 2016 13:58:24 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=7974 The post Faces of ThereforeGo Summer, 2016 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

The following is from our Spring 2016 magazine. To view the whole magazine, click here. Tyler Gaastra Beckwith Hills Christian Reformed Church Grand Rapids, MI Q. What do you do in your free time? A. In my free time I read history, philosophy and theology books and visit Civil War sites. Q. Where would you […]

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The post Faces of ThereforeGo Summer, 2016 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

The following is from our Spring 2016 magazine. To view the whole magazine, click here.

Tyler Gaastra

Beckwith Hills Christian Reformed Church

Grand Rapids, MI

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. In my free time I read history, philosophy and theology books and visit Civil War sites.

Q. Where would you like to travel someday?

A. I’d like to do a Reformation History Tour: Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and England.

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. Embrace change and technology.

Q. I never leave for youth group without my _____.

A. Wife.

Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A. I like to have students over to our house for movies, sporting events and swimming.


Lesli Van Milligen

CrossPoint Christian Reformed Church

Brampton, ON

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. Probably doing some type of youth ministry re-visioning retreat on behalf of Faith Formation Ministries. Many churches are rethinking their approach to youth ministry and I enjoy coming alongside them as they brainstorm new ways of reaching their youth.

Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A. Any place with good coffee or interesting food—Student’s choice. I like them to introduce me to places that they enjoy and where they feel “safe”. They will want to introduce me to their friends or they will choose a place where they have the freedom to talk and not be recognized. I always make sure that their parents are aware that we are meeting and where.  

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. I find out what they are reading and read it myself so we can talk about it.  We often had students share music, TV shows or movie clips with the group, using a rubric we put together as a group to help students talk about why that particular piece of pop culture was relevant to them and to dissect where it supported or challenged their faith.  Great discussions. 

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. Because we love to cook, when we are not having folks over for a meal, my husband and I are working through a list of 501 must see classic movies.

Q. Where would you like to travel someday?

A. I would love to return to Spain. I studied and interned there on several occasions. I even preached my first sermon in Spanish while working with youth outside of Madrid.  

Kevin VanderVeen

Covenant Christian Reformed Church

St. Catharines, ON

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. I have been journeying through the Ridder Church Renewal through Western Theological Seminary. The process has been inspiring and encouraging.

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. At home, sitting by my fireplace, reading Scripture. Saturdays are my Sabbath.

Q. If your students described you in five words or less, what would they say?

A. Giving, athletic and sensitive.

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. In my free time I play hockey, exercise, host friends at my home or support my youth by going to their games/events.

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. Love them and listen to them. The most important part is being present with them and leading them into the Word of God.

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Faces of ThereforeGo – Winter 2016 https://www.thereforego.com/faces-of-youth-unlimited-winter-2016/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=faces-of-youth-unlimited-winter-2016 Tue, 12 Jan 2016 16:56:03 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=7659 The post Faces of ThereforeGo – Winter 2016 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

The following is an excerpt from our Winter 2016 Magazine. To view the whole magazine, click here.  Aaron Au Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning? A. One of the incredible Farmer’s Markets that we have in Edmonton. I love the local produce and goods. Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with […]

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The post Faces of ThereforeGo – Winter 2016 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

The following is an excerpt from our Winter 2016 Magazine. To view the whole magazine, click here

Aaron Au

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. One of the incredible Farmer’s Markets that we have in Edmonton. I love the local produce and goods.

Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A. I often meet students (or anyone for that matter) at our local, neighbourhood coffee shop, the Carrot Arts Coffeehouse. Our neighbourhood plays such an integral role in the lives of my wife and me and our church plant and the Carrot is one of the hubs of our neighbourhood. In a community that is struggling to overcome poverty and crime, it’s fun to bring people into a warm, safe, inviting place and show them what our neighbourhood is really about!

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. I’ve been loving the many resources that Tim Keller has on the Gospel in Life website and their new YouTube channel. I’m learning how, as a church planter, the message I preach and the ministry I live has to be grounded in the truth and expressed in love and grace in a way that makes sense for the culture we’re in and connects with people’s hearts.

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. I love my sports! I play goalie in ice hockey and also enjoy cheering for the Blue Jays.

Annika Bangma

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. On my family’s farm, having coffee with my husband, parents, and grandfather – and planning out weekend projects; which could include anything from fixing fences, to mucking out a chicken coop, to refinishing antique furniture.

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. I have come to the conclusion that, for the most part, I don’t have to do much to “stay relevant”. I simply need to form caring relationships with students and they will KEEP me relevant (and they are also quick to let me know when I’m missing the mark)! In practice, this means taking a caring but “unknowing” stance and letting them see that I am actively looking to learn about their world – asking them things that aren’t immediately obvious to me about their choices, likes/dislikes, etc.; and showing up at the events they are involved in (concerts, games, etc.).

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. The list of ThereforeGo Serve Outcomes. 2016 will be the first summer that our church is hosting Serve in many years, and we are utilizing the Outcomes to set the tone for our entire ministry year.

Q. Where would you like to travel someday?

A. My husband and I have a goal of visiting every United States National Park in our lifetime. Sixteen down, forty-three to go!

Natasha Veder

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. I talk to my own youth! It’s more important to me to know what my own students are into than the general teen population, so I find out what movies they’re watching, what music they listen to and attend some of their sports games and school performances.

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. The first place you’d want to look would be my couch or kitchen at home. If I’m not there, check my local independent coffee shop, a nearby thrift store or I might be hiking one of BC’s beautiful mountains!

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. Transforming Discipleship by Greg Ogden

Q. What is one website that you visit every day?

A. Facebook – I get world news updates, updates on my students lives, learn about youth ministry resources from my colleagues in other churches and can keep in touch one-on-one or in small groups with my students.

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Fall “Faces of ThereforeGo” Part 2 https://www.thereforego.com/fall-faces-of-youth-unlimited-part-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fall-faces-of-youth-unlimited-part-2 Sat, 26 Sep 2015 19:45:34 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=7295 The post Fall “Faces of ThereforeGo” Part 2 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

The following is an excerpt from the ThereforeGo Fall Magazine. To read more, click here. Zan Ingalls Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth? A. Having three children, ages 20, 18 and 15, keeps me relevant. I get to learn the lingo of the day. Also, working at a juvenile detention center […]

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The post Fall “Faces of ThereforeGo” Part 2 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

The following is an excerpt from the ThereforeGo Fall Magazine. To read more, click here.

Zan Ingalls

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. Having three children, ages 20, 18 and 15, keeps me relevant. I get to learn the lingo of the day. Also, working at a juvenile detention center with ages 13-19 gives me a definite inside scoop. I listen to their music and watch their shows and have open, candid dialogue with them. I intentionally ask them questions about why they do what they do, why they think like they think and what their motivation is. I have literally asked them what I can do to impact their peers. Their responses have shaped how I deal with the youth of the day.

Q. I never leave for youth group without my _____

A. ability to be flexible. I plan what I am going to say, and in some cases send the “planned” talk ahead. Sometimes what I’ve planned gives way to what God plans. In youth ministry (and ministry in general), nothing can shock you!

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. Purpose Driven Youth Ministry and Soaring with Eagles have inspired me. These books have blessed me to open my mind and perspective as to how to be a blessing to this generation.

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. I like bowling, playing in the water (beach or pool), roller coaster rides, spending time with family, watching a good movie, cooking and trying new restaurants with Liane. I have also written two books and am working on a third.

Q. Where would you like to travel someday?

A. I would love to go to Africa.

Devin and Gaby Mulder

Q. If your students described you in five words or less, what would they say?

A. That’s easy! “Devin and Gaby are crazy!” We hear this just about every week, but they continue to come and bring their friends, so we assume it’s a positive thing.

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. In the little free time we have, I love to sew clothes for myself and Devin engineers tall bikes (a double-frame bike that sits five feet tall).

Q. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a youth group fundraiser?

A. Our craziest youth ministry fundraiser is the Chili Cook-Off Dinner and Auction, which raises funds for sending kids to Serve. Directing 40+ teens while trying to put on a nice dinner for the congregation usually feels like being at a zoo where they’ve opened all the cages! Even in the chaos, it ends up being one of the best fundraisers of the year and the teens always work really hard to make the event a hit.

Q. Where would you like to travel someday?

A. We’ve both had the privilege of traveling around the world, so our next dream visit would be to Nepal. It sounds a little cliché right now since everyone is going to help with earthquake trauma (which is totally valid), but Devin’s best friend has taken several mission trips there and is now moving to Nepal long term. We want to plan a trip to witness the seeds he has sown in that country.

Q. What is one website you visit every day?

A. If I’m being totally honest, Pinterest has me tied around its finger. I’ll usually look at Pinterest more often than my emails. Devin enjoys passing time with a good laugh, so he usually watches comedic videos on YouTube.

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Fall “Faces of ThereforeGo” Part 1 https://www.thereforego.com/fall-faces-of-youth-unlimited-part-1/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fall-faces-of-youth-unlimited-part-1 Mon, 21 Sep 2015 16:37:47 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=7292 The post Fall “Faces of ThereforeGo” Part 1 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

The following is an excerpt from the ThereforeGo Fall Magazine. To read more, click here. Brian Bierenga Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why? A. Starbucks – because the students enjoy it and I’m a sucker for earning those “stars”. Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth? A. […]

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The post Fall “Faces of ThereforeGo” Part 1 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

The following is an excerpt from the ThereforeGo Fall Magazine. To read more, click here.

Brian Bierenga

Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A. Starbucks – because the students enjoy it and I’m a sucker for earning those “stars”.

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. It’s all about relationship. While I appreciate the “heart” behind this question and understand that it’s a common question among youth workers, I find it a little strange. I have two kids of my own, ages 7 and 9, and I would find it strange it someone asked me how I remain relevant to them. Although there’s always room for improvement, I think most parents would say they’re able to connect well with their own kids because they’re in relationship with them. The same applies with my students; I aim to always be in relationship with them as if they were my own kids so that the connection happens naturally.

Q. I never leave for youth group without my ____

A. CB radios for the vans because they’re tons of fun. And a can of Febreze to secretly freshen up the guys’ stinky laundry piles while they’re away on free time.

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. I regularly listen to the “Defining Moments” leadership podcasts from Willow Creek when I run. I’m also enjoying the book Creativity Inc. by Ed Catmull (head of Pixar and Disney animation) much more than I thought I would. In addition to some great Pixar stories, Ed has great ideas on intentionally creating the culture you want among your team.

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. I enjoy time with my kids, running, cooking or working on my yard or car. I don’t sit still very well.

John Bijl

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. I would either be grocery shopping with my wife, doing weekend chores around the house or having breakfast at a local restaurant. I love going out for breakfast.

Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A. I love to meet at local coffee shops because I love the atmosphere in these places and even though coffee shops can be busy, it is still a great place to relax and get to know where the students are at.

Q. I never leave for youth group without my _____

A. iPad, which has all of my notes for announcements as well as my Bible. Once, I did leave it in the youth room while I got something from my office and I came back to a series of “selfies” some of the students had done in the five minutes I was gone.

Q. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a youth group fundraiser?

A. We did an 80’s themed dessert night where the other leaders and I lip synced to a mash up of 80’s tunes. I was lip syncing Corey Hart’s “Sunglasses at Night”, and yes, there is a video of it.

Q. What is one website you visit every day?

A. I usually go to flipbook to read up on men’s health, health food or photography.

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Faces of ThereforeGo – Kandace Brands, Barry Foster and Dawn Klein https://www.thereforego.com/faces-of-yu/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=faces-of-yu Sun, 01 Feb 2015 14:22:05 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=6494 The post Faces of ThereforeGo – Kandace Brands, Barry Foster and Dawn Klein appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Faces of ThereforeGo – Planning Team Member Edition Kandace Brands Q. Serving and volunteering on a ThereforeGo planning team is a huge commitment, why do you do it? A. For the lives being touched for Christ! I know this is the obvious answer, but truly it is our heart of the planning team. It is […]

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The post Faces of ThereforeGo – Kandace Brands, Barry Foster and Dawn Klein appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Faces of ThereforeGo – Planning Team Member Edition

Kandace Brands

Q. Serving and volunteering on a ThereforeGo planning team is a huge commitment, why do you do it?

A. For the lives being touched for Christ! I know this is the obvious answer, but truly it is our heart of the planning team. It is not about the work that we accomplish through the week. It is about relationships. It is about seeing people in their humanness. It is about reaching out to the needs of people right here around us. It is about just being with others and learning from each other, growing together in life.

Q. If your fellow planning team members described you in five words or less, what would they say?

A. Organized, committed, timely, planner, willing

Q. Why should a youth worker take students to your event?

A. We truly believe that our event has nothing to do with us as a planning team, organizing the event, but about what God wants to do through us at our event. This last year, we thought we had the best event planned, and then God just completely changed it. It turned out better than what we could ever imagine! We were so blessed and blown away by our meager offering. We felt like the little boy who offered two small fish and five loaves and bread and it fed the multitudes. So if your group would like to join some humble people who are hoping to serve others in our community with the help of the Holy Spirit, come on out to Prairie Serve 2015!

Q. What’s your favorite part of the event?

A. Hands down, my favorite part of Prairie Serve is the last night worship time. It was such a blessing to hear the student’s and leader’s testimonies from the week. So many lives were touched and blessed through our week. It was so great to hear the end result of all the work put into planning, and it was so worth all the time and effort!

Q. What is one website that you visit every day?

A. I know my answer should be something about youth ministry, but honestly it is probably Facebook.

Barry Foster

Q. What does a typical weekday look like when you’re not leading or planning for a YU event?

A. Weekends are packed with outreach Saturday events and three worship services on Sunday. Although I don’t preach on a regular basis I do take part in worship leadership. A big part of what I do on weekends is make sure all our “systems” are functioning well for our many community guests. From greeters in the parking lot to the time people leave worship and head home we strive to make their worship experience as memorable, meaningful and God-honoring as possible.

Q. What’s your favorite part of a Serve experience?

A. I love the testimonies – hearing what God is doing in the lives of the students as they venture into experiences out of their comfort zone. So often they come to Serve somewhat reserved and afraid to jump in. By Wednesday, you start hearing stories of what God is doing in their lives.

Q. Serving and volunteering on a ThereforeGo planning team is a huge commitment, why do you do it?

A. I do it because it’s through events like Serve that God can touch the lives of students and impact their lives for eternity.

Q. Why should a youth worker take students to your event?

A. Roselawn Serve will be ready to maximize your student’s mission trip experience. Our team focuses on helping students grow their faith while serving others. We strive to find work projects that our meaningful and allow the students to connect with local residents.

Q. Where would you like to travel someday?

A. Nature and animal photography is my thing so I love the national parks. Hope to visit Alaska on a photography adventure some day.

Dawn Klein

Q. What does a typical weekday look like when you’re not leading or planning for a YU event?

A. Well, I am up early to get my kids off to school. Then I make a cup of coffee and spend some time in Gods word & in prayer. As a youth group leader this is also the time that I organize bible lessons and events for our church youth group. Next are house chores & errands. Then, once the kids are home from school and settled it’s off to work for me. I am a dance teacher & choreographer. I teach & choreograph for children from the age of 2-18. I am very blessed to be able to use my God given talents and make a living doing something I love to do!

Q. Why should a youth worker take students to your event?

A. Live It is a powerful, life-changing event. Your youth groupers will grow in their relationship with God. They will learn to use their talents to serve him. They will make lasting friendships with fellow Christians from across the United States. Their hearts and souls will be filled with the love of Christ. Their lights will burn brighter than ever before!

Q. What’s your favorite part of the event?

A. When all of the teens and their leaders are together for worship. It is an awesome experience. You can feel the holy spirits presence just washing over them. It is so powerful and real that it has brought me to tears in the past.

Q. I’m never without __________________ while the event is happening?

A. My Bible, my phone, a cup of coffee, a smile and a hug to share.

Q. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for the sake of youth or youth ministry?

A. Anyone who knows me is aware of the fact that though I enjoy singing, I am not very good at it! I have never let the quality of my voice hold me back. I sing loud and proud with joy in my heart, all for the glory of our Lord. It is also not unusual to see me break out into a little dance while singing every now and then. Some may think I am being foolish, but I want our youth groupers to know that you don’t need an angelic voice to worship our Lord with song. He knows what’s in our heart and simply wants us to worship him. I believe that ff they can see (and hear) me singing then maybe they will loose their inhibitions and worship our Lord and Savior with that same joy!

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Faces of ThereforeGo, Fall 2014, Part 2 of 2 https://www.thereforego.com/faces-youth-unlimited-fall-2014-part-2-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=faces-youth-unlimited-fall-2014-part-2-2 Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:03:33 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=5955 The post Faces of ThereforeGo, Fall 2014, Part 2 of 2 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Jeff Schipper Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why? A. My favorite place would be at a local breakfast joint (The Windmill in Holland is tough to beat). Breakfast combines three of my favorite things: coffee, food and conversations in a booth. I also appreciate connecting with students before the pace […]

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Jeff Schipper

Jeff Schipper | Youth Unlimited | Summer Teen Missions

Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A. My favorite place would be at a local breakfast joint (The Windmill in Holland is tough to beat). Breakfast combines three of my favorite things: coffee, food and conversations in a booth. I also appreciate connecting with students before the pace of a regular day kicks into full gear.

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. I never felt the need to try until recently when I turned 30. Even now that I feel a bit irrelevant, I spend my time connecting with them personally at sporting events, dance competitions and coffee shops. In my mind, being present is more important than being relevant.

Q. I never leave for youth group without my…

A. Kickball and jumbo box of sidewalk chalk. The options are endless, and lately, our kids have become somewhat obsessed with 8 or 15-square. It’s a great mixer that anyone can play. Other options include parking lot kickball or a Jerry Meadows chalk portrait competition.

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. Other than the Heidelberg Catechism J, I have been spending the most time lately reading and applying Mark DeVries’ Sustainable Youth Ministry. I’ve also been blessed & challenged by Bonhoeffer’s Life Together as I think about Christian community.

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. Free time is hard to come by as a youth director, homeowner, husband, and father of two kids under 2.5 years old. When I carve out a little “me time”, I’m probably on the golf course or downtown Holland meeting up with some guys from church.


Ellen Lyzenga

Ellen Lyzenga | Youth Unlimited | Summer Teen Missions

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. If there are no youth retreats, fundraisers or leadership events, then I would be relaxing on my couch with a good book and a cup of coffee, probably with my cat sitting on my lap.

Q. If your students described you in five words or less, what would they say?

A. Best youth leader ever!

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. Both Essential Church? by Thom and Sam Rainer and The Millennials by Thom and Jess Rainer. These are some great researchers and authors who examine why our young people are walking away from the church and their books are full of good information and ideas on how to connect with our youth.

Q. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a youth group fundraiser?

A. I haven’t done it yet, but I want all the kids to paint a picture on canvas, something that inspires them or their favorite Bible verse or Bible story. Then we will display and sell the paintings in a silent auction.

Q. Where would you like to travel someday?

A. Turkey, Greece or Italy. I was blessed with an opportunity to see Israel with ThereforeGo a few years ago and walk where Jesus walked. Now I want to travel and see where the Apostles started the early church. I want to walk in Paul’s footsteps where he went to share the gospel and preach the word of God.

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Faces of ThereforeGo, Fall 2014, Part 1 of 2 https://www.thereforego.com/faces-youth-unlimited-september-2014/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=faces-youth-unlimited-september-2014 Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:44:13 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=5948 The post Faces of ThereforeGo, Fall 2014, Part 1 of 2 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Ryan Link Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning? A. Usually, I’d be just beginning some sort of project around our house or yard unless it’s the first Saturday of the month. Then, our family would be at Home Depot with a billion other kids suffering a headache and […]

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The post Faces of ThereforeGo, Fall 2014, Part 1 of 2 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Ryan Link

Ryan Link | Youth Unlimited | High School Summer Mission Trips

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. Usually, I’d be just beginning some sort of project around our house or yard unless it’s the first Saturday of the month. Then, our family would be at Home Depot with a billion other kids suffering a headache and sore fingers from pounding wire thin nails into craft projects, but my wife and I enjoy it. We really do.

Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A. We have a great restaurant at a local golf clubhouse that I like to take students to. It has a really cool atmosphere and students feel very comfortable there (and the food is great!). Most students expect Burger King or Juice Stop (which are ok), but I like to treat them to something special so they feel that our time together is important and valued.

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. I go right to the source. I spend a lot of time intentionally listening to what our students are interested in – what video games they are playing, the music they are listening to, their favorite movies, etc. I follow their Twitter and Instagram feeds, join their Clans in Clash of Clans, etc. Then, I incorporate themes and ideas from these things in my messages and lessons.

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. It is important that my free time is spent with my wife and kids. Ministry often demands you make a lot of sacrifices of your family for the benefit of other families, so I enjoy spending time with my wife and kids doing activities that they enjoy doing. We play a lot of games as a family and enjoy the beautiful park system that Sioux Falls has to offer. If I do steal some time to just myself, I could probably be found racing RC Cars at the local track or working on a model train layout I have in my basement.

Q. What is one website that you visit every day?

A. I go to www.regonline.com to check up on our Sioux Falls Serve information. Who doesn’t visit this website every day?


Sonya Wubs

Sonya Wubs | Youth Unlimited | High School Summer Mission Trips

Q. I never leave for youth group without my…

A. Dodgeball game face.

Q. If your students described you in five words or less, what would they say?

A. I asked them and this is what they said: Motherly, Caring, Compassionate, Friend, Cheerful. (Note: I didn’t even bribe them!)

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne, Elastic Morality: Leading Young Adults in our age of Acceptance by Chris Thompkins and Building a Youth Ministry that Builds Disciples by Duffy Robbins.

Q. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a youth group fundraiser?

A. Our fundraisers are pretty typical: meals, cookie baking, movie nights, yard sales. However, in 2013, in Canada, the government phased out the penny. So, we took it as a great opportunity to do a penny drive. We spent a very long time counting the pennies that came in afterwards. We raised over $150! That’s a lot of pennies.

Q. What is one website that you visit every day?

A. I often visit these blogs: http://www.emilywierenga.com/ and http://www.aholyexperience.com/. Oh, and of course Facebook.




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Faces Of ThereforeGo – Jen Rozema, Mario Perez and Jillian Bajema https://www.thereforego.com/faces-youth-unlimited-jen-rozema-mario-perez-jillian-bajema/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=faces-youth-unlimited-jen-rozema-mario-perez-jillian-bajema Tue, 17 Jun 2014 18:34:53 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=5264 The post Faces Of ThereforeGo – Jen Rozema, Mario Perez and Jillian Bajema appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Jen Rozema Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why? A. I’m going to be bold and say that downtown Holland, MI is one of the best downtowns imaginable. With great local coffee shops, frozen yogurt vendors and restaurants, and a very inviting atmosphere, going downtown is like taking a breather from […]

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The post Faces Of ThereforeGo – Jen Rozema, Mario Perez and Jillian Bajema appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Jen Rozema

Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A. I’m going to be bold and say that downtown Holland, MI is one of the best downtowns imaginable. With great local coffee shops, frozen yogurt vendors and restaurants, and a very inviting atmosphere, going downtown is like taking a breather from the rest of life. We always have a great time, and we always bump into other students, which is an added bonus!

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. I actually don’t feel a huge push to stay relevant – really I just feel a huge need to be and stay present in their lives. I’ve found in the past decade of student ministry that students don’t want me to be relevant, they just want me to be consistent; they want me consistently there, and they want to see evidence of me living a consistent life as a God follower.

Q. If your students described you in five words or less, what would they say?

A. Hmmm . . . slightly ridiculous but authentically passionate??

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. That’s got to be a toss up between In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen and Sustainable Youth Ministry by Mark DeVries.

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. What’s free time? Just kidding (mostly). Going all-out for people all day, either at church or at home with four children 7 and under, I love carving out a little alone time at the beginning and end of each day. In the morning, before anyone else gets up, I love my quiet time in the Word and prayer while drinking a good cup of tea or coffee. At night, I wind down by taking a run with our Vizla puppy. I also love reading, holistic cooking and just about any outdoor activity.

Q. How do you avoid volunteer burnout?

A. We really share ownership. Sometimes I joke (with a hint of truth) that I work for them as the paper-pusher/secretary of the ministry. In fact, working alongside them in a team ministry model is what helps keep ME from burnout as well! I also encourage them to spend time with students, and open the budget up to them for that, because intentional time with students revitalizes us and keeps us going. Little gestures along the way do help, too, like having leaders and spouses over for a night of fellowship and a gourmet meal on my deck after Serve!

Mario Perez

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. It really depends on the time of year. Most the time, I am at home relaxing from a long week or I am at a local lake fishing. Sometimes I am volunteering at the church for an event or an outreach ministry.

Q. I never leave for youth group without my ____________________.

A. Phone, because I usually get four to six texts right before youth group is starting asking me what we are going to do that night.

Q. If your students described you in five words or less, what would they say?

A. Funny, outgoing, caring, real, honest

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. There have been a couple things that have inspired me; one was the past youth pastors that I had that were really passionate for youth and always sacrificed for their students. Another resource was a book called In the Name of Jesus by Henri J.M. Nouwen. An absolute read to anyone considering ministry.

Q. Where would you like to travel someday?

A. I would love to travel to Israel one day. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be at the places we read about in the Bible, and to think that Jesus most likely walked on the same ground I am walking on . . . mind blown!

Q. How do you avoid volunteer burnout?

A. I love working in ministry but at times I have to use a tool that my pastor once told me about and that tool is the word “No.” I have learned that I cannot commit to everything and by using that tool it keeps me from getting over committed and tired, which allows me to continue to serve where I am needed.

Jillian Bajema

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. Since I’m a college student and sleep is normally at a premium, you can usually count on me sleeping in or just waking up at 10 AM on a Saturday morning.

Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A. I love meeting with students at a coffee shop. The environment is welcoming for great discussions that can result in strengthened relationships and challenged, but growing, faith.

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. I still consider myself a youth, but to keep up with the “kids,” I try to take my youth on outings besides the traditional youth group nights. I sometimes find that the farther I am from the regular meeting space, the more open and willing youth are to talk to me about the things they really care about. I also pay attention to what they post about on Facebook and Instagram.

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. I recently got back from an interim course in Israel. I found new ways to dive into the word. I’m so excited to share the insights I gained from the mission trip with the youth.

Q. What is one website that you visit every day?

A. I have to go with the classics on this one. Definitely Facebook and BuzzFeed. Both of these websites provide an easy way to communicate with and “stay hip” with the younger generation.

Q. How do you avoid volunteer burnout?

A. I avoid volunteer burnout by enjoying the little things my youth do. Whether it is a funny joke, an odd compliment or an unexpected theological question; these are the places I see and feel God and this is where I feel rejuvenated.


The post Faces Of ThereforeGo – Jen Rozema, Mario Perez and Jillian Bajema appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Faces of ThereforeGo – Cathy Tilstra and Linda Bonnier https://www.thereforego.com/faces-youth-unlimited-cathy-tilstra-linda-bonnier/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=faces-youth-unlimited-cathy-tilstra-linda-bonnier Wed, 28 May 2014 19:41:55 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=5197 The post Faces of ThereforeGo – Cathy Tilstra and Linda Bonnier appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Cathy Tilstra Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth? A. I spend time listening to them, watching their posts on social media, being someone who shows love and support by spending time with them. Youth are seeking meaningful relationships with adults who are authentically engaged with them, who show them they matter […]

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The post Faces of ThereforeGo – Cathy Tilstra and Linda Bonnier appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Cathy Tilstra

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. I spend time listening to them, watching their posts on social media, being someone who shows love and support by spending time with them. Youth are seeking meaningful relationships with adults who are authentically engaged with them, who show them they matter and have value. That takes a heart reflecting the image of Christ, and he is eternally relevant.

Q. I never leave for youth group without:

A. My phone, I know I should say my Bible . . . but it’s my phone. I have my Bible on my phone, if that counts.

Q. What do you do in your free time? A. Sleep. ☺ Q. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a youth group fundraiser?

A. We are far too civilized in Canada to do anything crazy.

Q. Where would you like to travel someday?

A. Europe and Israel. I would love to walk the places Jesus walked, touch the stones he touched, immerse myself in the water he was baptized in.

Linda Bonnier

Q. I never leave for youth group without my:

A. Heart, mind and ears open. Keeping myself open, the students will open up about themselves.

Q. If your students described you in five words or less, what would they say?

A. Happy and kind, consistent, fun.

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. I love making cards.

Q. Where would you like to travel someday?

A. Greece.

Q. What is one website that you visit every day?

A. Pinterest. I get lots of ideas for our little ones and mid-week programs (and card ideas!)

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Faces of ThereforeGo – Marc Hoogstad and Garrett Hovland https://www.thereforego.com/faces-youth-unlimited-marc-hoogstad-garrett-hovland/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=faces-youth-unlimited-marc-hoogstad-garrett-hovland Mon, 26 May 2014 19:33:51 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=5195 The post Faces of ThereforeGo – Marc Hoogstad and Garrett Hovland appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Marc Hoogstad Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning? A. At home, finishing my third cup of coffee, and ending our family Saturday morning ritual of pancakes with peanut butter and real Canadian maple syrup. Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why? A. Pizza Hut. […]

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The post Faces of ThereforeGo – Marc Hoogstad and Garrett Hovland appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Marc Hoogstad

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. At home, finishing my third cup of coffee, and ending our family Saturday morning ritual of pancakes with peanut butter and real Canadian maple syrup.

Q. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A. Pizza Hut. It’s fun to see what “All You Can Eat” really means to teens. Especially for the younger guys. “What do you mean, you’re full? You’ve only eaten two slices! Eat, boy!”

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. Hang out with them. And drop youth lingo like “wiggity-wack” as much as possible. The kids dig it, and they think I’m groovy.

Q. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A. Messy Spirituality, by Mike Yaconelli. I read it annually.

Q. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a youth group fundraiser?

A. The “non-event” fundraiser. Sell real tickets for a fake dinner that won’t happen, to not be scheduled on a fictitious day (February 30, for example). No commitment from the ticket buyers to attend.

Garrett Hovland

Q. Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A. I love being outside, so working on a project outside the house, in the barn, or taking care of our animals.

Q. What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A. I think one of the best ways to stay relevant to youth is to listen to them. Listen to what they talk about, what they like, dislike, etc. This gives you a great view into their world!

Q. I never leave for youth group without my ____________________.

A. Bible and my wife!

Q. What do you do in your free time?

A. I enjoy going for a run, taking walks with my wife, playing any kind of sport and reading a good book.

Q. Where would you like to travel someday?

A. Someday I would like to travel to New Zealand and explore the countryside and see all the different farms.

Q. What is one website that you visit every day?

A. I like checking the Center for Parent and Youth Understanding to keep up to date on what’s going on in the youth ministry world.

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Faces of ThereforeGo – Jeanette Hielkema, Brandon Bajema and Trent Elders https://www.thereforego.com/faces-of-youth-unlimited/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=faces-of-youth-unlimited Wed, 30 Apr 2014 18:18:33 +0000 https://www.thereforego.com/?p=5179 The post Faces of ThereforeGo – Jeanette Hielkema, Brandon Bajema and Trent Elders appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Jeanette Hielkema Q: Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning? A: Depends on the weather. During the summer I’m out in the gardens. In winter, I’ll be in my favorite chair with a good book and a cup of coffee. Q: Where’s your favorite place to meet with students, and […]

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The post Faces of ThereforeGo – Jeanette Hielkema, Brandon Bajema and Trent Elders appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Jeanette Hielkema

Q: Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A: Depends on the weather. During the summer I’m out in the gardens. In winter, I’ll be in my favorite chair with a good book and a cup of coffee.

Q: Where’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A: My favorite place is Tim Horton’s or a pizza place. I like them to be able to have something in their hands. Our conversations flow easier when the total focus is not on talking.

Q: What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A: I refuse to grow up! I accept their challenges as they accept mine. I read a lot. I like to keep in touch with the youth through Facebook.

Q: What resource has inspired you for ministry lately?

A: The Bible! Also Sticky Faith by Powell/Clark.

Q: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a youth group fundraiser?

A: We do lots of crazy things—but not necessarily for fundraisers. They are just dares that we make up (leaders must participate!). We went sledding down a steep hill on mattresses once.

Brandon Bajema 

Q: Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A: Most Saturday mornings you either find me out in the yard, working a job of mine or hanging out with my amazing wife (Robyn Bajema).

Q: What do you do to stay relevant to youth?

A: I recently attended a youth ministry conference for the first time. I will attend every year from now on! It was very impactful and filled up my cup to come back to my youth ministry refreshed with many new ideas! I also frequent other youth pastor’s blogs—it gives me new ideas and helps me find new perspectives on relevant issues for today’s youth.

Q: If your students described you in five words or less, what would they say?


Q: Where would you like to travel someday?

A: I love to travel! The place I’d most like to go is Ireland, because my favorite band U2 is from there!

Q: What got you started going to ThereforeGo’s Serve or other faith-forming experience?

A: I grew up going to Serve and Convention (now Live It). I loved the faith-forming experiences and the life-changing issues they brought to my attention. As an adult and now a youth pastor, I love to give my youth the same opportunities. Serve has been instrumental in helping my group of youth grow spiritually each year.

Trent Elders 

Q: Where would we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning?

A: If there is not a youth activity going on, I am one of four places: fly fishing, taking photos of a wedding, biking to the Farmers Market or reading on my porch with my wife.

Q: What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why?

A: Rowster Coffee. This is a coffee shop that cares not only about where they get their beans, but how they roast and brew each cup. It is a great atmosphere to have deep conversations with students, and it feels slightly cleaner and more comfortable than your average Taco Bell meeting spot.

Q: I never leave for youth group without:

A: My youth ministry bag: Bible, moleskin notebook, pen, iPhone, iPad, projector dongle, Swiss Army Knife, flashlight, guitar pick.

Q: If your students described you in five words or less, what would they say?

A: He has a beard….

Q: Where would you like to travel someday?

A: Middle Earth

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