Press Release Blog – ThereforeGo Ministries Connecting Students to Christ, the Church and the Community Wed, 19 May 2021 18:59:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ThereforeGo Announces SERVE@Home For 2021 Wed, 07 Apr 2021 19:00:00 +0000 The post ThereforeGo Announces SERVE@Home For 2021 appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

ThereforeGo will now offer churches and youth ministry teams the opportunity to do missions at home with the SERVE@Home program. The ministry created the program due to travel restrictions and considerations, limiting youth mission trips, due to the pandemic. The Serve@Home kit includes guides to help Christian leaders in their mission programs. It includes access […]

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ThereforeGo will now offer churches and youth ministry teams the opportunity to do missions at home with the SERVE@Home program. The ministry created the program due to travel restrictions and considerations, limiting youth mission trips, due to the pandemic. The Serve@Home kit includes guides to help Christian leaders in their mission programs. It includes access to online resources such as recordings and playlists.

ThereforeGo hopes that this will help equip local churches and student ministry teams. The plan is to bring about spiritual momentum in local communities. The SERVE@Home program will build local partnerships and nurture long-term relationships. The ministry also hopes that the program will enhance personal relationships. The program will foster better communication, regardless of generation.

Organizations may purchase the program through the website. The kit will also serve ministries based in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. Each kit will have enough supplies for two adults and ten students.

“The impact that a 16-year old like me [can have] can lead to change,” said one student. “When talking to people, I like to hear their stories, and when they share I feel like it builds a better community.”

Many of the participants in SERVE share testimonies of their closer connection to God and within the local community. It equips many of the youth today with the capability to reach out to others in need of the gospel.

The 2021 edition will feature a different theme and logos from the previous year. Each kit has t-shirts, string backpacks, a hosting manual, and spiritual life guides. It will also give access to an online resource where speakers will walk the group through each session.

SERVE@Home kits will begin shipping in April for those who pre-ordered. Orders that come after April 1st will ship within two weeks.

Youth Unlimited, headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI, is a non-denominational, non-profit ministry organization with the focus of assisting the Church and its many local congregations with their ministry to our youth. Through events like SERVE mission trips and SERVE@Home, Youth Unlimited partners with youth leaders to provide faith-forming experiences to middle school, high school, and special needs students. Visit for more information.

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Youth Unlimited Becomes ThereforeGo Ministries Tue, 01 Sep 2020 09:00:00 +0000 The post Youth Unlimited Becomes ThereforeGo Ministries appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

As of Tuesday, September 1, Youth Unlimited has officially changed its’ name to ThereforeGo Ministries.

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Dear Friends,

We wanted to share some exciting news with you about our ministry. As of Tuesday, September 1, 2020, Youth Unlimited has officially changed its name to ThereforeGo Ministries. This announcement is the result of months of prayer and discussion on the board and staff levels of our ministry and we are excited to share with you how we came to this decision.



Clearing Up Confusion and Expanding Our Ministry

There are two significant reasons why we felt called to change the name of our ministry. First, for a number of years, there has been a growing confusion with other ministry initiatives in Canada who were also operating under the name Youth Unlimited. We believe that the transition to ThereforeGo Ministries will provide clarity for our friends and partners in Canada who have faithfully supported us through the years. The second reason is that while we remain committed to our mission of collaborating with local churches in their youth ministries (through SERVE and other programs), in recent years the scope of this work has expanded. Churches are reporting an increasing struggle to remain connected with their students and emerging adults as they move beyond their high school years and into their late teens/early 20s. We are eager to collaborate and resource churches as they minister with this age cohort but increasingly found that having the word “youth” in our ministry’s name created the understanding that our efforts were focused exclusively on individuals under the age of 18.

Based in Scripture

One reason we love the name ThereforeGo Ministries is that it reminds us of two important scripture passages.

Matthew 28:16-20

“Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Hebrews 12:1-3

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.


The Transitional Reality of Ministry

This name also reminds us of the transitional reality of ministry and the transitional reality of the lives of youth and emerging adults. As a ministry we have a rich 100-year history of working with churches, therefore we have the confidence and expertise to continue creating meaningful experiences and valuable resources. For youth and emerging adults attending ThereforeGo Ministries programming, they are often on the verge of life decisions and changing realities. We want to help them see the confidence they can have in the legacy of faith that generations before them have shown and how that confidence can prompt them to therefore go and follow the calling of Christ on their lives.

Will You Partner With Us in This New Season?

We ask that you continue to pray for our staff and ThereforeGo Ministries. We remain committed to our mission statement of “helping churches challenge youth and emerging adults to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and transform the world for Him.” We are also committed to continuing to offer SERVE and ask that you continue to pray for this ministry.

ThereforeGo Ministries, history of name changes

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COVID-19 Creates Opportunity For New SERVE@Home Outreach Program Fri, 01 May 2020 20:15:33 +0000 The post COVID-19 Creates Opportunity For New SERVE@Home Outreach Program appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Every spring season, Youth Unlimited is preparing to mobilize thousands of teens and volunteers to participate in SERVE – weeklong mission trips across the United States and Canada. SERVE is a unique approach to mission experiences because it allows students to partner with churches in communities and spend a week each summer serving, worshiping, and […]

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The post COVID-19 Creates Opportunity For New SERVE@Home Outreach Program appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

Every spring season, Youth Unlimited is preparing to mobilize thousands of teens and volunteers to participate in SERVE – weeklong mission trips across the United States and Canada. SERVE is a unique approach to mission experiences because it allows students to partner with churches in communities and spend a week each summer serving, worshiping, and sharing the love of Christ with the host church’s home community.

However, this summer is going to look quite different for SERVE. Due to the impact of COVID-19, Youth Unlimited has launched a new mission opportunity called SERVE@Home. Rather than sending students across the country to serve, SERVE@Home equips local churches and home congregations to serve in their home communities.

“This certainly isn’t what we thought SERVE 2020 would look like,” says Rick Zomer, Executive Director of Youth Unlimited. “But, that doesn’t mean we’re any less excited for our busy summer season. SERVE@Home is an incredible opportunity for congregations to minister within their own communities, and we believe it will introduce more churches to the work of Youth Unlimited and the impact of SERVE,” he adds.

Groups who participate in SERVE@Home will receive resources from Youth Unlimited to make the week more than just a community service project. “Churches who register will receive everything they typically would on a SERVE trip, including curriculum, t-shirts, and other helpful insights,” says Elizabeth Bosscher, Communications and Events Coordinator for Youth Unlimited. “In addition, we will provide each group with pre-recorded speakers’ sessions, Spotify playlists, tips to develop worksites in their communities, and more,” she adds.

COVID-19 is preventing students from traveling to SERVE sites, but it can’t change the heart and mission of Youth Unlimited. “SERVE@Home aligns perfectly with our mission at Youth Unlimited – to encourage, equip, and partner with local congregations across North America to reach this generation for Christ,” adds Zomer. “That is accomplished whether we travel 3000 miles from home or serve those in need in our own backyards.”

To learn more about SERVE@Home and how your church group can participate, visit

Youth Unlimited, headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI, is a non-denominational, non-profit ministry organization with the focus of assisting the Church and its many local congregations with their ministry to our youth. Through events like SERVE mission trips, Youth Unlimited partners with youth leaders to provide faith-forming experiences to middle school, high school, and special needs students. Visit for more information.

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Youth Unlimited Celebrates 100 Years of Ministry Tue, 16 Apr 2019 20:16:07 +0000 The post Youth Unlimited Celebrates 100 Years of Ministry appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

2019 marks the 100th anniversary of Youth Unlimited serving students, churches, and communities through mission experiences and events. Here’s how God has used Youth Unlimited since its founding: Established in 1919 as the American Federation of Reformed Young Men’s Society, Youth Unlimited has evolved and grown into what it is today. “Youth Unlimited has a […]

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The post Youth Unlimited Celebrates 100 Years of Ministry appeared first on ThereforeGo Ministries.

2019 marks the 100th anniversary of Youth Unlimited serving students, churches, and communities through mission experiences and events.

Here’s how God has used Youth Unlimited since its founding:

Youth Unlimited History - GuysEstablished in 1919 as the American Federation of Reformed Young Men’s Society, Youth Unlimited has evolved and grown into what it is today. “Youth Unlimited has a long and storied history of partnering with the local Church to deepen students’ faith and assist youth ministry workers in relevant and exciting ways,” says Rick Zomer, current Executive Director of Youth Unlimited. “From our first Convention event in 1920 and first summer mission trip in 1960 through today, we stand in awe of the work God has done through Youth Unlimited and the number of lives impacted,” he added.

Currently, Youth Unlimited primarily serves students and churches through weeklong mission experiences across North America. Each summer 1200+ students and volunteers mobilize to minister in communities through the United States and Canada through SERVE, which has long been a flagship program of Youth Unlimited. “Youth Unlimited is more than mission experiences for teens, but SERVE has proven time and time again that the experiences and lessons learned are truly life-changing,” noted Zomer.

Youth Unlimited History - GalsYouth Unlimited has also successfully developed and launched various ministry support tools and curriculums, staged large-scale events for teens and youth ministry leaders, and partnered with other ministries to increase their reach in sharing the gospel with teens. “Our experiences have been wide-reaching over the years,” said Zomer, “but everything Youth Unlimited has done has been with the same primary focus – supporting church youth leaders to more effectively speak truth into teens’ lives and share the love of Christ with them,” he added.

With much excitement, Zomer noted, “During our 100th anniversary, we celebrate our past and all God has done to and through Youth Unlimited. But, we look forward with great anticipation as the Youth Unlimited team prepares for new and exciting ways to continue our ministry and, ultimately, continue impacting our world for Jesus Christ.” To celebrate the 100-year milestone, Youth Unlimited is planning several special events throughout 2019, including a golf outing, convention appearances, and two celebration dinners.

Infographic: A History of God’s Faithfulness to Youth Unlimited

Youth Unlimited 100 Years History Infographic

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About Youth Unlimited

Youth Unlimited, headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI, is a non-denominational, non-profit ministry organization with the focus of assisting the Church and its many local congregations with their ministry to our youth. Through events like SERVE mission trips for teens, Youth Unlimited partners with youth leaders to provide faith-forming experiences to middle school, high school, and special needs students.

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