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Summer Teen Mission Trips Youth Unlimited

TV and Kingdom Work

by Barry Ruiter, Youth Unlimited Account/Business Manager The following is an excerpt from our Winter 2016 Magazine. To view the whole magazine, click here. I admit to often watching television shows that feature buyers looking for a fixer upper home to renovate, programs that chop, cut and...
Summer Teen Mission Trips Youth Unlimited

Now I Know

by Tim Ryan Director of Junior High Ministries West Shore Evangelical Free Church The following is an excerpt from our Winter 2016 Magazine. To view the whole magazine, click here. I was blessed with the opportunity to take a group of senior high student mentors and special...
Summer Teen Mission Trips Youth Unlimited

The Call for Help

For me, it’s still typically unexpected, the call for help. I don’t know why I am not quite used to it yet. After I’ve met a need or given assistance, when I am riding the high of the Holy Spirit convicting me of righteousness, I wonder why...
Youth Unlimited summer missions for teens

Adam Settle Serves

Adam Settle was born with a rare metabolic disease, Cobalamine-C dysfunction, that prevents him from effectively metabolizing protein, which may result in damage to neurological systems including eyesight and brain function. Despite his underlying medical struggles, Adam approaches life with a can-do attitude, believing there is little...
student summer missions trips youth unlimited

Life Changing Serve

Three high school students from Ferry Memorial Reformed Church in Montague, MI attended Huron Serve in July of 2015. Sure, they enjoyed getting to know some new Canadian friends and trying poutine for the first time, but they also allowed Serve to change their life in larger...
High School Summer Service Trip | Teen Mission Trip | Youth Unlimited

Reserve Your Spot!

Sunday was the first day to reserve your spots at one of the 28 Serve Sites across Canada and the United States. Space is reserved on a first come, first served basis, so be sure to check out the sites we have available! At Serve 2016, students will join with God and a local...
teen summer mission ministry | Youth Unlimited Teen Mission Trip

Trendy Teens (Part 2 of 2)

Continued from last week’s Trendy Teens (Part 1 of 2): Another key way to engage with students is to control our atmosphere! While none of us can always control every situation and decision our teens make, we can control the atmosphere in our homes and church youth groups,...
student summer mission trips | You Unlimited

Trendy Teens (Part 1 of 2)

Looking back on the trendy fashion, music and entertainment from the 60’s and beyond, one common thread remains; it was the teens that were the “trend-setters.” If we look at the current trends in music, technology and entertainment, it is teens that are still influencing trends today. Therefore, as...
summer mission trips students | Youth Unlimited Teen Service Trips

Why Short-Term Missions?

Why bother going on a short-term mission? Every year when it comes time to start planning and thinking about Serve I am met with questions from people like, “Is it really necessary?” It’s a valid question when you consider the needs in our own cities and congregations and...